See Trian This Thursday in Chicago!

SURE WISH I could be in Chicago this Thursday. Cause this:

Not yet skilled in the techniques of psychic bi-location, I will that night be in Burlington, NJ at Third State Brewery sitting in with an amazing singer/songwriter from Australia, Brien McVernon. Which will be pretty darn fun, as well.

But, I’m thrilled to know Trian is performing again, even if for a few shows. Their formation was a very exciting moment in the late 1980s’ Irish Traditional Music world; when I got a phone call from Liz Carroll in September, 1990 (how in the pre-internet days she tracked me down is a kind of wonder) asking if they could record my tune “Not Safe with a Razor” for their debut album on Flying Fish Records, I right away said, Absolutely Yes and Thank You.

The album appeared the next year … “Not Safe with a Razor” was the final tune in the final medley — and they totally rocked it.

Other musicians picked up the tune, and it’s been played and recorded here and there the last number of years … Lúnasa, Padraig Rynne, Noel Sweeney, Teyr, Jez Hellard Djukella Orchestra, Brian Finnegan, Cormac Breatnach & Deiseal, others.

The Irish Times has dubbed it “flippant”; Paste declared it as “triumphant”. It appeared as incidental music in a 2002 National Public Radio segment titled Rev. Moon in Brazil.

(Seriously. THAT Rev. Moon, go figure.)

But it was Trian’s superb recording and stellar reputation that first sent it rippling out among large numbers of ears. Returning the favor, I eventually composed tunes commemorating each of the players:  Liz Carroll’s Fancy, Billy McComiskey’s Reel, Sproule’s Rule.

I’ve always thought they could be played together in a medley – The Trian Trilogy … not sure what the order would be, but maybe this:


Liz Carroll’s own compositions are phenomenal, and if you’re very lucky, you’ll hear Trian do several. Not sure if Billy or Daithí compose, but probably they do. Ask them!

If Trian is in your area (or if they aren’t, but you have mastered the Art of Bi-Location), stop at nothing to hear them live, starting here this Thursday in Chicago.

They’re that good and likely even better than you can imagine.





About 1bigsoul

12th Generation American trying to convince this country to live up to its promise of liberty and justice for All.
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